Small shifts; far reaching effects…

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy uses evidence-based nutrition science to support health and promote optimal wellbeing. Registered Nutritional Therapists use a wide range of tools to assess and identify the underlying nutritional imbalances that may be contributing to clients’ symptoms and health concerns. Practitioners work with each client to understand their specific needs. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ protocol because each individual is biochemically unique and has a singular starting point for integrating dietary and lifestyle change. All nutrition, supplement and lifestyle advice is tailored and personalised to address each client’s health concerns and goals. Nutritional therapy is recognised as a complementary medicine. Whilst, practitioners do not recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice they often work alongside medical and other healthcare professionals to best support a client’s needs.

© Carrie Tench

“Ring the bells that can ring

forget your perfect offering

there is a crack in everything

that’s how the light gets in”

— Leonard Cohen

Stepping towards better health

Getting Ready

Undertaking Nutritional Therapy starts with identifying your key health concerns. You will be asked to complete a detailed health questionnaire and a 3-day food diary a few days before your first session. This process helps to pinpoint your priority health concerns, goals and expectations and establishes a baseline for measuring progress.

Telling your story

Your first consultation will be approximately 90 minutes. This provides the opportunity to tell your story allowing Jacinta to gain an insight into your medical history, health concerns, current and past medication, lifestyle factors, dietary issues and familial circumstances; all of which may be impacting your wellbeing. This initial assessment provides the information needed to research, develop and agree appropriate and evidence based therapeutic interventions. These are built into your Dietary and Lifestyle plan and, where appropriate, into a Supplement plan specific to your needs. Jacinta may also recommend clinical testing that may offer further insight into your personal biochemistry, helping to establish root causes and underlying imbalances contributing to your health concerns.

Taking action and observing change

At each follow-up consultation, Jacinta will work with you to examine how your plan is working: aspects of your health that have improved; continued health concerns; lifestyle changes; results of any clinical testing and factors impacting your ability to adhere to the plan.  As a result, Jacinta will adapt your Nutrition and, where required your Supplement Plan, to support your continued progress. You will receive a written plan and resources to enable you establish new habits and practices at home and to progress your health goals.

Follow-up consultations are typically 50 minutes to an hour. Ideally, there is a period of  4 weeks between consultations to enable you the time to put your plan in place and to observe the impact of dietary and lifestyle changes. Sometimes clients prefer more regular support and this may be arranged.

Remaining whole; recognising cracks; restoring function…